Spiritual You and Mentorship Info.

You are not just your physical body, you have a powerful mind, you have emotions and you have a spiritual essence that connects them all.

There has never been a time in Earth’s history so special as this. Yes we are experiencing a pandemic throughout the world, violence, disruption, deceit and greed in all areas of the globe, but no one has triggered the red button of a world war.

These troubled times are allowing many people time to reassess their lives, their understanding and their truth.

Spiritually is also unique at this time. This era is special as we now have access to what is known as 5th dimensional energy. To the scientists, nothing has been proven so evidence has to come from within.

Many of you will have noticed subtle changes, more people discussing spirituality or sharing experiences, some people are aware of differences in energy frequencies others a perception of time which seems to have speeded up. 5D energy - 5th dimensional, (not the much talked about 5G), are higher vibrating energies that everyone of us has the opportunity to utilise.

We are here to help you become aware, to learn and experience the essence of spirit that you are.

The benefits include:



Getting along better with others

Connecting to those who have transitioned to spirit.

Finding and Knowing yourself

Letting go of fear

Finding truth

Raising your consciousness so that you connect with all that is

For some spiritual ascension is also possible

There's so much more,

Many call our teachings ‘Life Changing’, because we show you how to utilise your spiritual self within your life, not just when you are meditating.

Spirit can only help us when we ask. We teach you to ask in the right way.

We teach to accept yourself and also others around you.

Any questions – ask away – Di and Nicky have a wealth of spiritual knowledge and connections to many guides (some of you know them as angels or spirit).

With a compassionate approach that is inclusive to all, and with the support of those on the call, these hours we spend together are filled with love and compassion.

If you’ve ever felt different, that you don’t belong – you do now.

You are not alone; we appreciate you and welcome you.

Joining the SSC monthly membership grants you access to the members only page on website where you not only have access to the replays but other bonuses including meditations, controlling your energy field, channelling and more.